I Know Where She Is Review - Blog Tour

Friday 25 August 2017

By S.B. Caves 
Rating: 5/5
Source: PR Copy for blog tour

On the tenth anniversary of her daughter Autumn's abduction, Francine receives an anonymous note containing just five words: I KNOW WHERE SHE IS

When a young woman approaches her the next day claiming to have sent the letter Francine wants to dismiss it as a cruel, twisted joke.

But the stranger knows things that only Autumn would know.
It soon becomes clear that Francine must go to dark places in order to learn the truth about her child’s kidnapping.

She will discover that danger comes from unexpected sources. She will do things she never imagined herself capable of.

But will Francine get her daughter back – or is it too late?

Confessions of a YA Blogger

Monday 21 August 2017

A lot has changed for me in the last eight months since I started blogging and I think what has changed the most is the way I read and consume books. Not only has the variety of books I read grown significantly, but the whole experience of reviewing and recommending the books I read has made me a much more confident reader in general. Now, you might be wondering where the confession part of this post comes in… Here it goes. 

Prior to the start of 2017 I was very uneducated in the YA genre, I didn’t really know of it’s existence at all. This isn’t to say I’d never read YA books before, more that I didn’t know just how vast one genre could be. I’m writing this post for anyone else who has ever asked; what actually is YA? If that isn't you then feel free to laugh, but please remember that we all had to start somewhere.

First of all, let's take a little step back in my bookworm origin story. For a long time I believed that my favourite genre was crime as that was what gave me the biggest adrenaline rush when reading. My other go to genres were; thriller, sci-fi and fantasy, a good balance of contemporary and mythical. The only downside to a lot of the books I read was that they didn't particularly stick with me when I finished reading them. There were exceptions to the rule of course, but generally I would put a book down and forget about it. 

That was a part of what blogging was for me, a way to connect with books more and share my thoughts so I could look back at them over time. Then in March something magical happened; I read One Of Us Is Lying by Karen M. McManus. By this point in my three months of book blogging I was very aware of the YA genre but I still didn't really know what it meant until I read this book. It was crime, but it was aimed at teenagers and about teenagers.

If you aren't already so done with my ignorance on the subject, then prepare for the worst. For the longest time I had resorted to reading about stuffy forty year old blokes who I had no connection to whatsoever, all because I liked the thrill that came with reading intense crime/thriller fiction. THE WHOLE TIME I COULD HAD BEEN READING ABOUT PEOPLE MY AGE?! Yeah okay I'm older now but I was sixteen once okay? 

Like I said, I'd read a lot of YA before this, The Princesses Diaries, every John Green novel, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, 13 Reasons Why, Diary of a Wimpy Kid to name a few. 

I knew of middle grade/YA fiction but I didn’t know it had a name and even then I didn’t know it stretched beyond the realm of high school. That is what I think is the biggest misconception about YA, that it's all about high school kids doing high school things and having problems solely relating to high school. This is certainly what I believed at least. 

Really it's all John Green's fault (no hate I love you). I read The Fault In Our Stars, Paper Towns, Looking For Alaska and decided that, while I liked these books, they weren't what I wanted to read all of the time -this is what I believed to be the extent of YA fiction at the time. 

So I moved onto more edgy reads, like the work of Stephen King, from a young age. From there I started reading a lot of local crime fiction, which gave me the thrill I was looking for. Unfortunately, the general rule still applied, I'd put the book down and forget about it -no tweeting people about it, no recommending it to my friends or anything.  

When I read One Of Us Is Lying I discovered the true meaning of YA, and it is that YA isn't really a genre at all, it's the centre of the mind map that branches out to crime, fantasy, thriller, horror, LGBTQ+ etc. All these sub genres just happen to be aimed at young adults. Apparently young adult means 12-18 year olds but hey if the books good add ten more years onto that, no one will care. 

Since my re-education it's become apparent that a lot of the books I've read would fall into this genre. Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, The Mortal Instruments, The Maze Runner, Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children and so on -all of these books and series are some of my all time favourites, I just would have classified them differently before. So I guess I'm a YA connoisseur after all. Does that restore my credibility? I hope so at least. 

Despite being a newbie and an uneducated one at that, the YA community has accepted me with open arms and I couldn't be more grateful for that. For that reason among others that YA is now officially my favourite genre.

Thanks for reading! 

After The Fire Review

Saturday 19 August 2017

By Will Hill
Rating: 5/5
Source: W H Smith bundle

Father John controls everything inside The Fence. And Father John likes rules. Especially about never talking to Outsiders. Because Father John knows the truth. He knows what is right, and what is wrong. He knows what is coming.

Moonbeam is starting to doubt, though. She’s starting to see the lies behind Father John’s words. She wants him to be found out.

What if the only way out of the darkness is to light a fire?

37 Hours Blog Tour + Giveaway

Wednesday 16 August 2017

By J. F. Kirwan
Source: PR Copy for blog tour

After two long years spent in a secret British prison, Nadia Laksheva is suddenly granted her
freedom. Yet there is a dangerous price to pay for her release: she must retrieve the Russian nuclear
warhead stolen by her deadliest enemy, a powerful and ruthless terrorist known only as The Client.

But her mysterious nemesis is always one step ahead and the clock is ticking. In 37 hours, the warhead will explode, reducing the city of London to a pile of ash. Only this time, Nadia is prepared to pull the trigger at any cost...

The deadly trail will take her from crowded Moscow to the silent streets of Chernobyl, but will Nadia find what she is looking for before the clock hits zero?

The One Memory of Flora Banks Review

Saturday 12 August 2017

By Emily Barr
Rating: 5/5
Source: W H Smith Bundle 

How do you know who to trust when you can't even trust yourself? 
Flora has amnesia. She can't remember anything day-to-day: the joke her friend made, the instructions her parents gave her, how old she is. 
Then she kisses someone she shouldn't - and the next day she remembers it. 
It's the first time she's remembered anything since she was ten. 
But the boy is gone. 
I look at my hands. One of them says 
FLORA be brave. 

Harry Potter Tag

Monday 7 August 2017

I was tagged by the lovely Louise from Louise Bodle to do this tag, I never can refuse anything Harry Potter related. So here we go!

History Is All You Left Me Review

Sunday 6 August 2017

By Adam Silvera
Rating: 5/5
Source: W H Smith Bundle

Griffin has lost his first love in a drowning accident. Theo was his best friend, ex-boyfriend and the one he believed he would end up with. Now, reeling from grief and worsening OCD, Griffin turns to an unexpected person for help. Theo's new boyfriend. 
But as their relationship becomes increasingly complicated, dangerous truths begin to surface. Griffin must make a choice: confront the pass or miss out on his future.

First Time @ YALC

Wednesday 2 August 2017

It's been a couple of days since I got home from the Young Adult Literature Convention at  and the all I've been thinking is how I wish I'd done all three days instead of just going on the Sunday. I had such a good time with my friend Shannan (Twenty Something and Day Dreaming), meeting up with some other bloggers and queueing for all the books!

I was told before I went to the convention that I would accumulate a lot of free stuff and books, yet I still wasn't prepared for it. Honestly this isn't even a lot of stuff, I know people who ended up with 50 books so I feel like my haul is very modest in comparison but I'm so happy with it. 

I met these awesome authors, Chris Russell signed my copy of Songs About Us and Non Pratt signed Unboxed for me. Both of them were lovely and although I was too nervous to really talk to them about their books, I got to have a lovely chat with them both about their time at the convention and Non even invited me to stroke her newly shaved head -it was different kid of bonding experience. 

I also met the actual Patrick Ness who has been one of my favourite authors for a long time, I didn't get a photo with him because his signing queue was so long I didn't even want to ask. He signed my copy of Release and again I exchanged some small talk, which in itself was surreal. Making small talk with Patrick Ness... Just what? 

I managed to get ARCs of The Fandom and Invictus which I was pretty happy about, there was a couple more I was after but they didn't seem to be around on the Sunday (another reason I want to go all three days next year) but I also felt that the 'FIRST FIVE PEOPLE TO SPRINT HERE AND SCREAM I LOVE YOU GET AN ARC' was a little bit intimidating and I don't think I'd have been able to do it even if I had been there on the right days. 

I only actually bought four books on the Sunday, I'm more shocked than I am impressed. There were some good deals on but other than the ARCs there was a lot of stuff that I could pick up anytime and not have to carry around London and back up to Newcastle, so I reined myself in for the most part. I got Alex Approximately because I'm really excited to read it, I bought The Miseducation of Cameron Post on the recommendation from the lovely ladies at the Penguin stand, and since it was 2 for £10 I got Juniper Lemon's Happiness Index too because I've heard good things. Lastly I got The Dark Crowns in a mystery book offer from My Kinda Book, it sounds really interesting and it's fantasy which I need to read more.

I also picked up a collection of samplers including Floored, which I am so excited for, as well as Clean from Juno Dawson and Alex Bertie's book and a whole collection of fantasy book samples to hopefully fuel my newly rediscovered passion for fantasy.   

Here are a few close ups of some of the other goodies I got, not gonna lie, the free Shadowhunters tote bag was probably one of my favourite items of the day. I would like to recommend the Butter Beer lip balm to everyone, not just Potterheads because it smells AMAZING. The posters we stole (not really they offered) from the Penguin stand and I made sure to grab One Of Us Is Lying, Book of Dust and Turtles All The Way Down - even though it isn't the official book cover, I think it's cool to have <3

I did venture down to LFCC once to meet Mr Holmes, Doctor Strange and actual human otter, Benedict Cumberbatch. Turns out I didn't really need to because Ben made so many surprise appearances on the YALC floor that if you took a shot every time you saw him, you'd probably be dead. The photo ops were as hectic as always but he was a sweetheart and took time to shake everyones hand and thank them for coming, I was so pleased to finally meet him after years of fangirling <3.

Check out my twitter thread for even more fangirling and highlights!

And that's it from my first trip to YALC. I can't wait to go back next year, we're already planning the three days and it's going to be amazing! 

Thanks for reading! 
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