Wildest Dreams - April Hocus Pocus Unboxing

Wednesday 18 April 2018

If you haven't received your Wildest Dreams box yet then turn away now because this post will be full of spoilers and I promise you don't want this box spoiled, it is FANTASTIC. If you aren't a subscriber, (why not? There'll be a discount code at the end of this post for you to make use of) if you've had your box already or just don't care about spoilers, enjoy! 

Onto the post ~

The theme this month was Hocus Pocus, which spoke to me on an emotional level since I fully embrace magic and the theme reveal was so dark and mysterious, I knew this was going to be a good box.

The first item is this months tea from Rosie Lea Tea and this time around, there was a chance at one of two different teas. I got the Sweet Magic Witch's Brew, which is the one I was hoping for as it contains little edible stars. You could also receive the Very Cherry version and that turns the water blood red, again very me but I couldn't be happier with golden stars in my cup. 

The bonus item this month goes very well with the tea, a pack of Border Biscuits. Zoe always includes some kind of treat, and this months didn't disappoint. 

Item number two is the bath/body product and this month we got a Hubble Bubble bath bomb from Becky's Bath Bombs. The bath bomb is probably my favourite item we've had so far and that's saying something since I've supplied an item for the box before. 

The bath bomb is bubble gum scented and it was so beautiful while fizzing away, it left the bath a gorgeous deep blue colour and smelt amazing. Seriously though, look at these photos. I didn't even have to try very hard to make this product look amazing. 

The final item is this months book. This time we got The Witch's Blood by Kate and Liz Corr. This is the third and final book in The Witch's Kiss trilogy and if you haven't read the first two, where have you been? Both books are amazing and I highly recommend them, I can't wait to read this one too. As always there is an author letter, a bookmark and post card AND a signed bookplate, so you've got the perfect little reading kit. 

And that is everything that was in this months Hocus Pocus box! I want to thank Zoe for sending me my box and if you want to get your hands on next months Female Voices box, then head over to Wildest Dreams and you can use the code THISBOOKYPLACE10 to save yourself some money. The box is only £18 including postage, so you're already getting a bargain for this little monthly treat. 

Thanks for reading!


  1. Fab unboxing!
    I can't wait to use my bathbomb, it looks so lush.
    The biscuits are perfect too, nom.
    Cora | http://www.teapartyprincess.co.uk/

    1. The bath bomb is so amazing. I'm definitely going to order some more! <3 Thanks for reading x


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