Blogger Recognition Award

Monday, 17 July 2017

The amazing Jenny from Jenny In Neverland, tagged me in this Blogger Recognition award. I've seen this floating around have always wanted to take part! As a new blogger I wanted to use this as an opportunity to tag other new bloggers and some people who have made me feel so welcome, so make sure to share the love. Here are the rules of the post: 

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.

2. Write a post to show your award.

3. Give a brief story of how your blog started.

4. Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.

5. Select 15 other bloggers you want to give this award to.

6. Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated them & provide the link to the post you created.

How my blog started 

My blog started as a new years resolution. I had been following Zoe from No Safer Place for about a year and knew that what she was doing was something that I wanted to do too. January 2017 I started my blog. I was already an avid reader but I didn't really write reviews, not very often at least, and I really loved the idea of having somewhere to keep all of my thoughts. So I did it, I started This Booky Place for all my reviews, bookish thoughts and to hopefully, one day soon, document the writing process of my book. 

Advice for new bloggers 

1. As far as book bloggers go, interact with authors as much as you possibly can. The majority of authors are so lovely and more than happy to answer questions and read/share your reviews. Also on the topic of book bloggers, don't just blog about books. I've gotten so many more views and interaction since I've branched out and blogged about other things, done tags etc. All because it makes your blog more personal. 

2. If theres a blogger that you admire, tell them that you like what they've been doing. It's the nicest thing in the world to hear and happy returns mean they might even do the same for you. This is how I've made all of my blogger friends. 

Here are the bloggers that I want to tag, fellow newbies who are most likely even more qualified than me to give advice, and some who are just really friendly bloggers in general who have helped me out a lot, so please check them out: 

Lots of Livres - Marie
Charlotte Somewhere - Charlotte
Louise Bodle - Louise


  1. Oh! You angel. I'm thrilled to be tagged in this 😘

    1. You deserve it! I'm loving your blog <3

  2. Congrats to getting tagged! It was really nice to read about how your blog came into life :)

    1. Aw thank you! And thank you for commenting, loved reading your blog tonight x

  3. Really interesting post! I will check out your posts because it reminded me that I should read more again. :D Maybe I can find some inspiration in your blog!

    1. Well that's what I'm here for! I've always got new books featured too so hopefully you find something you like <3

  4. Fab post!
    Those tips are great, especially reaching out to people you admire :)

    1. Thank you! That's honestly the best thing I've ever done xoxo


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