A letter to my younger self

Saturday, 8 July 2017


It gets better.

Okaay, the next few years have their ups and downs, and your next few years in education may seem useless at first. But there not. You are going to go on to prove all your old teachers wrong, and get that university education you wanted so much. Believe it or not, you even graduate with a 2:1. On your graduation day you are going to feel a sense of pride that you never imagined you would ever feel. You will collect your degree certificate in front of your peers and think "fuck. I've made it". You will look around at the friends that you have made over those 3 years and be so proud of them too. Your heart will be full, and you will be happy. Really, truly happy.

You may regret spending time with the wrong people. But don't. They shaped you and changed you for the better. They helped you become a greater person, a stronger person. They opened the door and lead you to form impossible friendships, friendships that have lasted double the amount of time as your friendship with the wrong crowd.

You will find what makes you happy. You will find your passion. You will travel much more than you ever imagined - America, Poland, Spain and France to name a few. You will get accepted to study second degree, this time in nursing, and you will be oh so excited.

You will still have your bad days, and you will still struggle at times. But that's okay. You are entitled to those days. You've worked incredibly hard to get to where you are now. You've got a flat, a job and you're studying again come September. And just 8 years ago you would have never believed that you would get to where you are now.

I know the world is a scary place, and at times it seems to get scarier but alongside the awful atrocities that you witness in your life time you realise how lucky you are to be where you are. You will witness the whole country coming together, standing united. And if that doesn't fill you with pride and hope, then what will?

You're even writing a blog in your spare time, and you love it. You're reading more, and you're spending time with your closest friends. Making new memories every single day. So don't give up, and keep working towards to what you believe in because even in just a few years, you will look back and realise how much you have achieved in your short time on this planet. And you will be proud.

Keep your head held high, and your heart strong because you are going to be just fine.

by Shannan (@ TSDDBlog) from Twenty Something and Day Dreaming 

This post has been kindly written in support of #Rebeccas24HourReadathon. SomeOne Cares is a charity that helps support survivors, young and old, who have suffered of rape or some form of abuse at some point in their life. 

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