Book Box Club - Into Dystopia February Unboxing

Monday 26 February 2018

Today is a very exciting day because I am unboxing my very first Book Box Club package. I have 
admired from afar for basically a year now but it was last month when I saw that the theme for February was Into Dystopia, I had to buy it. Divergent, The Hunger Games... It's what I live for. 

So without going on too much, lets get into the 

When I opened the box I was excited straight away because there was so much in there! It's been a while since I bought a £30 box so I had forgotten that I should expect a full box. 

The first item I saw was the Dauntless Tea, which is beyond perfect because you might remember from my Wildest Dreams unboxing that the Taken Moons item was a Divergent candle, it's a fandom that I feel gets neglected a lot lately because the films are out of the cinema now and there's no new books etc. I love Divergent and while I'd like to think I'm Dauntless, I'd probably be in Candor. The tea is lemon and ginger and comes from Craft Tea Company. It looks delicious. 

I've put the next two items together. They are the Supplies To Stay Alive notepad, which has a magnetic strip on the back so you can stick it to the fridge, or in my case my fireplace so that my family don't waste the pages writing dog food and milk over and over. This came from Bread and Jam. 

To use a note pad you of course need a pen, so the book box also comes with a pen from ... and it's Hunger Games themed! It's in the shape of an arrow and has 'May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favour' printed on it and it's probably my favourite item from the box, which is by Book Box Club themselves. The gift tag actually had my name on it too which is a really nice handwritten touch to the box <3

The next item is also really cool. I haven't read The Handmaid's Tale yet but I have watched the TV show. The Bracelet translates to (according to the show) 'Don't Let the Bastards Grind You Down'. It's a pretty safe bet that I will be wearing this all the time because I like anything that encourages you to ignore the people who would try to bring you down. This was made by Beautifully Bookish. 

The next item goes with the theme of survival, a chocolate bar from Gnaw. Ideal for taking on adventures because chocolate will solve a large number of problems. Also photographer are a collection of promotional items for books that I know I need to read but haven't picked up yet. The Hazel Wood in particular is on my radar. 

And now we're onto the main item which is this gorgeous looking book, this is Outwalkers by Fiona Shaw. I love getting Hardback books in a sub box because it adds to the value of the box even more. I hadn't actually heard of this book before but I'm really excited to read it. I've got the blurb for you to read too. 

The border's closed, Jake said. No one can get into Scotland, just like no one can cross the Channel... This is England and it's no longer a free country. The Government can track anyone, anywhere, from a chip implanted at birth. But Jake has escaped from his Academy orphanage, and he's got to get to Scotland with his dog, Jet. When the Outwalkers gang grabs him, they go off-grid while the Government hunts for them. The closer they get to Scotland, the more dangerous it is. Because now, it's not only their own lives that are at stake...

And that is everything that came with the Into Dystopia box! There isn't a single item that I won't be using, usually with sub boxes there's an item I don't like that I put to one side for a future giveaway, but sorry guys I think I'm going to have to keep everything this time around. For £30 I'm not complaining at all and would definitely recommend Book Box Club to anyone looking to try something new. Next months theme is Under The Sea, and although I have to skip it, I'm sure it'll be great.

Thanks for reading!

1 comment

  1. It seems like you got a cool collection of stuff from this book box. I have not bought any bookish subscription boxes myself as they are too expensive for me at this time. However, that does not mean I cannot gawk from afar. Have a fun time reading and sipping your tea!


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