The Fifty Bookish Questions Tag

Monday, 12 June 2017

Thank you to the lovely Shannan over at TSDD for tagging me to do this. I was really looking forward to doing it.

I know this seems like a really daunting read (it was a daunting write) but the answers are mostly short and snappy so I hope you can make it to the end :) <3

1. What was the last book you read? 

Truth or Dare by Non Pratt

2. Was it a good one? 

It was! I loved it. 

3. What made it good? 

It's about raising money for a good cause, which is something I myself am trying to do so it came at a really good time for me. 

4. Would you recommend it to other people? 

I would! It's a brilliant book about so many good things but also the sort of stuff that is a little more risky and needs to be talked about.

5. How often do you read? 

I read everyday unless something really saps my energy. Even on a busy day I'll read a chapter or two in bed.

6. Do you like to read?

Of course! It's one of my favourite things to do. 

7. What was the last bad book you read? 

Promised Lies by Marguerite Ashton - it wasn't bad, just not great. 

8. What made you dislike it? 

I didn't particularly connect with the main character or her motives in the story, which is a big problem for me when reading. 

9. Do you wish to be a writer? 

I would love to be a writer. I have countless novel ideas on my laptop and random chapters here and there but it just hasn't happened yet. Maybe one day, for now I read as much as I can. 

10. Has any book influenced you greatly? 

Basically any John Green book teaches me to appreciate life and what I've got, while also breaking my heart into tiny pieces. 

11. Do you read fan fiction? 

Not so much now but in high school I would read fan fiction more than published novels. 

12. Do you write fan fiction? 

I've never tried, I preferred finding my visions in other peoples writing.

13. What's your favourite book? 
From a series - Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling. Standalone - The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde.

14. What's your least favourite book? 

I don't think I have a least favourite book, nothing trivial anyway.  

15. Do you prefer physical books or reading on a device (like Kindle)?

I much prefer reading physical books, I get headaches really easily if trying to read on my Kindle or my iPad, but for blog tours/ARC's I'll dig out my glasses and headache tablets.

16. When did you learn to read?

When I was around four or five and in nursery I have vivid memories of reading one of The Lighthouse Keeper books with my teacher, and then reading Harry Potter at home with my dad.

17. What is your favourite book you had to read in school?

I can't really remember what books were required in earlier school years, but in high school for my GCSE's it was Of Mice and Men and I loved that.

18. What is your favourite book series? 

Gotta be Harry Potter or more recently The Mortal Instruments.

19. Who is your favourite author? 

John Green, Cassie Claire, J.K. Rowling.    

20. What is your favourite genre? 

YA or Crime/Thriller.

21. Who is your favourite character in a book series? 

I'm going to say Draco Malfoy if you're curious why I answered this in another tag...

22. Has a book ever transported you somewhere else? 

For me if a book doesn't transport me somewhere else then I find it hard to read it. I need the description.

23. Which book do you wish had a sequel? 

I would love The Fault In Our Stars to have a sequel because I love Hazel so much and want to know her story post-Augustus </3. 

24. Which book do you wish didn't have a sequel? 

The only sequel I can think that I wasn't thrilled about was Allegiant by Veronica Roth. I loved the first two books but the third didn't seem all that great to me, which is a shame since it was the end of such a promising series.

25. How long does it take you to read a book? 

If I'm reading solidly and don't have anywhere to be then I can finish a book in a few hours, otherwise I try to read a chunk over about three days.

26. Do you like when books become movies? 

I'm always excited to see how it turns out, and also because if someone says they enjoyed the film I can say READ THE BOOK and they actually agree instead of saying "I don't have time".

27. Which book was ruined by its movie adaptation? 

In general I'm going to say the Divergent series, the first two books in particular, they were so amazing and the films just got a little bit more meh as they went on.

28. Which movie has done a book justice? 

How I Live Now based on the book of the same name by Meg Rosoff. I was so excited when I learnt that this book was being adapted for film, even if the film is set in the future rather than the past (which honestly I prefer) it stays so true to the characters and original story, it's just heart breaking and beautiful.

29. Do you read newspapers? 


30. Do you read magazines? 

Very rarely. 

31. Do you prefer newspapers or magazines? 

Magazines on the basis that it's very rarely vs never. 

32. Do you read while in bed?

Almost every day. 

33. Do you read while on the toilet? 

I don't plan my toilet breaks enough for that.

34. Do you read while in the car? 

I'm usually the one driving so that wouldn't be a good idea. 

35. Do you read while in the bath? 

Pretty much every day too. 

36. Are you a fast reader? 


37. Are you a slow reader? 

Only if I really dislike a book but am determined not to give up.

38. Where is your favourite place to read? 

Probably in bed, and then in the sun by a pool on holiday - wish I could do that more. 
39. Is it hard for you to concentrate while you read? 

Not really. I can read and eat a pot noodle without making a mess pretty easily. 

40. Do you need a room to be silent while you read? 

Nope. I can have the TV on or music or even people talking and I'll still get lost in a book. 

41. Who gave you your love for reading? 

My dad. He used to read to me everyday as a kid and he used to write too, he always inspired me. 

42. What book is next on your list to read? 

Then She Was Gone by Lisa Jewell, which I'm really excited about because I loved her last book; I Found You.

43. When did you start to read chapter books? 

When I started reading chapter book by myself I was seven or eight or whatever age you are in Year 2 at school I think.

44. Who is your favourite children's book author? 

Roald Dhal or Dr Suess.

45. Which author would you most want to interview? 

J.K. Rowling hands down, I want to experience her sass in person.

46. Which author do you think you'd be friends with? 

Again, J.K. Rowling I'm sure would be a great friend. 

47. What book have you reread the most? 

Goosebumps The Barking Ghost was always on my bedside table as a kid, and Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. 

48. Which books do you consider "classics"? 

Classics make me typically think of older novels like The Picture of Dorian Gray and A Christmas Carol, but books like Harry Potter are modern classics. 

49. Which books do you think should be taught in every school?

Compared to when I was in school, there are so many books about diversity. YA books about identity should be studied and the classics given a break for a few generations. I think there are enough essays on Of Mice and Men and An Inspector Calls by now. 

50. Which books should be banned from all schools? 

As long as the book isn't promoting anything negative or destructive then I don't think books should be banned as sometimes taboo subjects are the ones that need to be discussed.

Wow, that took a lot longer than I thought it would. I hope you enjoyed learning a little bit more about the sorts of books I read and how I do it. I was told I should do more tags so I'm giving it a go to break up reviews a little. Expect more soon! If you do this tag because you read mine then tweet me @_rebeccastobart so I can read it :)

Thanks for reading! 


  1. This makes me realize how little I read books and how much I need to read.. lol. I struggle with setting aside time to do so! That's great that you make time for it!

    1. In all honesty it's one of the very few things I get done haha x

  2. I'm getting back into reading since I've graduated college, and it's honestly so nice. I enjoy reading books so much more than watching movies or shows. You get so much more detail and immersion into the character and world. 😍

    Breanna Catharina

    1. I find it so relaxing! I just finished school too, reading is the best escape from reality xx

  3. I loved this tag! I might have to pinch it sometime! My favourite book are the Harry Potter series, I read and listen to them all the time!
    Gemma xx

    1. Please do! I love reading other peoples answers to the questions :) My Harry Potter audio books are my faves, listened to as much as my books have been read x

  4. Lovely post but I would've struggled answering some of these questions - I can never choose a favourite book or author! :)

    1. I did have to come back to ca couple of the questions on different days and some answers did change :P Thanks for reading x

  5. I love these tag questionaires, you get to find out so much random stuff about the blogger. I have a copy of Dorian Gray at home and really want to read it but it seems SO daunting!

    1. Dorian Gray is actually one of my favourite novels ever, it's absolutely brilliant if you give it a go <3


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