Those Who Lie Review and Giveaway - Blog Tour

Tuesday 21 March 2017

Today is my stop on the Those Who Lie blog tour, I've been asked to write a review. You can buy Those Who Lie now on Amazon by clicking this link and if you need some reasons why you should buy it, check out my review below! 

Emily Klein doesn’t know she has killed her husband until the day of his funeral.

At first, signs point to a tragic accident. Yet, as Emily pieces together the events before his death – events which led to her own memory loss – she begins to suspect that her husband’s death may have been the result of more than a terrible twist of fate…
But the accident is only the beginning. Because while Emily’s physical scars will heal, the trauma of the accident has awakened old ghosts. She hears strange sounds, catches things that can’t possibly be there in the corner of her eye. Before long, everywhere she looks, she seems to see her husband.
And suddenly, Emily finds herself asking the most dangerous question of all.

Can she really trust herself?

"Emily Klein doesn't know she has killed him until the day of his funereal. Her loved ones, including of course, her husband, are all at the church rather than her bedside." Hold up. Yes, these are actually the first lines of Those Who Lie and is there anything more harrowing than that? I had chills from the moment I started to read this book and that's how you know it's going to be a good thriller. 

The book answers my first question immediately; how could Emily not know she'd killed her husband? Answer; she is just now regaining consciousness as of the start of the book. Though I wanted to believe that she is innocent, it's hard when you have as few answers as Emily does. Was she drunk? Were they arguing? Did she crash the car on purpose? All becomes clear as you read on but that didn't stop me wanting all of the answers immediately. 

Emily wakes in hospital on the day of her husband’s funeral. She has survived the car crash in which he died – and she was driving. Her memory isn’t clear on the moments just before the accident, so Emily is just as clueless as we are, we learn things as she does and we are left questioning the things that Emily herself doesn't trust. Her friends, family and her own scattered memories don't seem to make sense and someone is trying to convince her that her husband is still alive, who can Emily trust? 

There is a lot going on in this book and Emily is reluctant to tell the police everything that is going on, in the hopes of leaving her past in her past, but that isn't so easy when she fears her house has been invaded by a stranger.

Books that flip between time periods are some of my favourites, and it's these insights into Emily's teen years that make it so easy to empathise with her throughout the more recent past and then the present. With a tagline like "Emily Klein doesn't know she's killed her husband until the day of his funeral", I think it's really important that the main character is humanised as much as possible, early on in the book or you'll never connect with them. Diane Jefferey does this with ease by using the different time periods while making this a really enticing read.

Any fans of modern day thrillers will enjoy Those Who Lie, Diane Jeffrey doesn't write like this is her debut psychological thriller, but it is. This book will keep you guessing in one way or another, all though I managed to work out one of the major twists, the route to get there is not what I thought it would be. I definitely recommend you get your hands on this book and if you need some help, check out this giveaway!

Giveaway is for
1st prize: eBook of Those Who Lie
2nd prize: Teddy and chocolates
3rd prize: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland notebook & chocolates


Diane Jeffrey grew up in North Devon. She lives in Lyon, France with her husband and their three children, black Labrador and kitten.
THOSE WHO LIE is her debut psychological thriller.
Diane is an English teacher. She hates marking and Mondays. When she's not working or writing, she likes swimming, running and reading. She loves chocolate, beer and holidays.
Above all, she enjoys spending time with her family and friends.
Readers can follow Diane on Twitter @dianefjeffrey
or on

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