Wildest Dreams - Into The Jungle January Unboxing

Friday 26 January 2018

It's that time again! By now I hope that everyone has received their Wildest Dreams box and if you haven't opened it yet I recommend you look away now because this box is going to be full of spoilers.
The theme for this month was 'Into The Jungle' which people quickly worked out meant dinosaurs from the theme reveal photo. Dinosaurs are my thing so I was so excited for this box, and Zoe didn't disappoint.

Here is a quick over view of everything that is in the January box, we can see a book -a Geeky Clean product, some booky tea and a couple of cute little extras -considering this box only costs £18 including postage you can see the value straight away.

Lets take a closer look at the tea first. The tea is again from Rosie Lea Tea, you can check them out on Etsy and I highly recommend you do because their teas are always amazing. This month's tea is Toffee Apple flavoured and comes in a TEST TUBE omg. I was so excited when Zoe told me what was going on, this tea is beyond perfect because the leaves themselves look like the forest floor. I haven't actually used any of this yet because I haven't taken nearly enough photos but I will post an update on Twitter soon.

Exciting item number two is this Tea-Rex room spray from Geeky Clean, which again is beyond perfect for the theme. I have used this a lot already and I'm scared about running out even though I can just buy more -but it's becoming a serious addiction to walk into the room and spray it. It's scented like green tea and makes your space smell fresh and airy. 

Onto the book. This is a book I have been shouting about all month. IT IS AMAZING. You can read my full review of this book here and this month it also came with a signed bookplate -which is probably my favourite thing, I love Susan and her writing and I had a real fangirl moment when I heard we'd be getting a signed copy (baring in mind this is my fourth copy of the book), I am in love. 

The box also came with some chocolate coins -to enjoy with your cup of tea in your nice smelling room. Some disposable tea bags, a letter from Susan Wilson (I haven't photographed it in detail because it's for subscribers only) and an exclusive discount for my Etsy shop Taken Moons which will activate on January 31st until March 1st!

All in all, a brilliant box. Zoe is doing so well at curating and I can't wait to see what is coming next month -though as Zoe already hinted... I may know a little bit more about the contents than I'm explicitly saying... Go order one here

Thanks for reading!

1 comment

  1. Loved this box and I can't wait to see what's in next month's!


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